Medical University of Bialystok. News.
  • Updated 14.03.2025 by Zakład Symulacji Medycznych


    Final version of the web side - February 24th, 2025


    Detailed topics to learn in internal medicine (second semester):

    1. Diabetic ketoacidosis (new onset of diabetes).

    2. Paracetamol poisoning.

    3. Anaphylactic shock.

    4. Stroke.

    5. Acute pancreatitis. Cholelithiasis.

    6. Sepsis and neutropenia in acute leukemias. Central catheter infections.


    Source: "Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine" or "Up To Date" (Wolters Kluwer).


    Non-technical skills important in our high-fidelity simulations:


    Non-technical skill in emergency medicine - introduction and assesment scale - Ottawa:

    Non-technical skills


    SBAR protocol - for communication between doctors :)

    SBAR - communication


    PARENTS protocol - for communications with parents or accompanying person. Believe me - its not only for future pediatricians:



    Below You will find 25 questions from the topics listed above. The quiz is based on UpToDate service (I strongly recomend this source !). The quiz is obligatory to all students.

    Remember that this is PDF presentation, You will find the answer on the following slide, so do not click too quickly  :)

    Good luck !


    Internal medicine - quiz for 6th Year Medical Faculty - Department of Medical Simulations


    Source: "Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine" or "Up To Date" (Wolters Kluwer).