On October 12, International Sport Day at Medical University of Bialystok took place.
Students, PhD students and University employees took part in a street race around the MUB Campus.
The competition was held in the individual and relay category.
Congratulations to the winners.
- Indiviudal Category - Student
I place - Marek Olszyński
II place - Safiollah Shakibani
III place - Barbara Skrzypko
- Indiviudal Category - Employee
I place - Marcin Połuszejko
II place - Joanna Szczykowska
III place - Szymon Brzósko
- Individual Category- Women
I place - Barbara Skrzypko
II place - Joanna Szczykowska
III place - Jalda Alizadeh
- Individual Category - Men
I place - Marek Olszyński
II place - Safiollah Shakibani
III place - Kristian Lyngoy
- Relay Category
I place - Sixth Season
II place - NefroTeam
III place - Germany Medical Students
See you next year!
The program is co-financed from the European Social Fund under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, non-competitive project entitled Improving the competences of the academic staff and the institution's potential in accepting people from abroad - Welcome to Poland implemented as part of the Action specified in the application for co-financing of project No. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.