Medical University of Bialystok. Mobilities for study.
  • Updated 03.03.2025 by Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

    Mobilities for study

    Who can participate in a mobility for studies within the Erasmus+ Programme?

    All students from the 2nd to the penultimate year of studies of all courses at the MUB,


    To what institutions can you go to for studies?

    Your receiving institution could be:

    1. a higher education institution from MUB’s grant offer for studies (the grant offer is available at the MUB’s main page, at International Cooperation > Erasmus+ 2021-2027 > Partner universities, or under the link:,
    2. another higher education institution, as long as there is an interinstitutional agreement concluded before the mobility.


    What conditions must be met in order to be able to participate in the recruitment process?

    • You must have a student / doctoral student status,
    • You must be a student / doctoral student at the time of departure, and in the case of students, be a student of at least the 2nd year of bachelor’s or uniform master’s studies,
    • You cannot be on dean’s leave or, in the case of doctoral studies, on an extension of studies,
    • You didn’t exhaust your mobility capital,
    • You must have an average grade from your entire study cycle higher than 3,5. In the case of first-year students of master’s programmes or doctoral students, the average grade from all years of the previous degree is taken into account,
    • You must know the language in which your classes will be conducted to a degree that allows you to carry it out.


    What documents have to be submitted to participate in the recruitment process?

    • Application form for study,
    • Certificate of average grade from your entire study cycle on the relevant degree. In the case of first-year students of master’s programmes or doctoral students, the average grade from all years of the previous degree is taken into account,
    • A document confirming language skills of the foreign language required by the receiving institution (particularly a certificate of language proficiency, a certificate from the Department of Foreign Languages or a certificate from a language school),
    • If applicable, opinions from the supervisors of scientific groups, certificates of activity signed by the presidents of student organisations or MUB’ officials; in case of sport achievements, an opinion provided by the Department of Physical Education and Sport,
    • If applicable, a list of academic publications, certified by the University Library.


    All required documents are available in the Documents to download tab:,24092/Documents_to_download and in the Regulations tab:,24403/Regulations


    Deadlines for the recruitment of students and PhD students for the mobility for study:

    • submission of required documents from 1 March to 31 March,
    • announcement of the results of the qualification procedure (decisions) – until 30 April.


    The commission may decide to announce the additional recruitment for the mobilities for the summer semester. Additional recruitment dates will be indicated on the website.


    What are the scholarship rates for mobilities for study?

    Information about the rates is available at the University's rules for financing of the Erasmus+ Programme tab:,24435/Universitys_rules_for_financing_of_the_Erasmus+_Programme


    Where to submit documents:

    Erasmus+ Office

    address: ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1, 15-089 Białystok, Polska

    room no. 209, right wing of the Branicki Palace, 1st floor, entry D.


    tel.: +48 85 686 53 37

    working hours: Monday to Friday, 7:30-15:30


    Current grant offer on the mobilities for study aimed at students / PhD students is available here: Grant offer – STUDIES