Medical University of Bialystok. Repository of teaching materials.
  • Updated 06.09.2024 by Centrum Doskonałości Dydaktycznej

    Repository of teaching materials

    We invite you to use the knowledge base available on the Blackboard platform called the UMB Teaching Materials Repository. The section called the "Medical Simulation Center" contains teaching materials necessary for every student starting classes at the Center. 

    Additionally, each of the students, doctoral students and teachers can post their own unpublished materials that they want to make available for viewing by other users of the platform. These can be lecture, own analyses as part of ongoing scientific research, but also sample exam questions and other materials useful especially for students.  

    We invite you to read the information materials on how to access the repository, how to use it and how to post your own materials. To use the tool without any problems, you must have an account on the Blackboard platform and an account in Office 365. To deposit the material, log in to Office 365 using the following data:

    • students as login number, password the same as for the virtual university. The password can be reset yourself by following the instructions found on the website,


    Repository Materials: