Remote classes (if the schedule of classes indicates it) in the academic year 2024/2025 will be conducted using the educational platform Blackboard
We remind you that all materials posted on the educational platform are intended solely for the personal use of the Student. Educational materials published on the platforms are the property of the University, and therefore their unauthorized use, e.g. publication on a public network or other forms of distribution, e.g. in the form of sending by e-mail or via other media, is a violation of copyright law and may result in criminal and civil liability.
Due to problems with Mozilla Firefix, please use CHROME. You should adjust your settings according to the scheme:
Settings -> Privacy and security -> Security -> Advanced -> Use secure DNS server -> Using (we select - Cloudflare(
Exams on the platform
Useful information for students taking an exam on the Blackboard platform (en)Przydatne informacje dla studentów przystępujących do rozwiązywania egzaminu na platformie Blackboard (pl)
Email activation is required to access the e-learning platform Email Login Instructions for Students
Instructions for reminding/resetting the password to the Virtual University/ Student's e-mail
Reporting problems regarding e-mail and the Virtual Dean's Office
Reporting issues with the Blackboard educational platform: