Medical University of Bialystok. Exercise no 1 - synopsis.
  • Updated 26.09.2023 by Zakład Patologii Ogólnej i Doświadczalnej

    Exercise no 1 - synopsis


    Subject: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY, 2023-2024

    Place: Department of General and Experimental Pathology, room 371 


    YEAR: 3


    CLASS no: 1
    Pathophysiology of the endocrine system – part 1

    Goal: to explain etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations, and consequences of selected diseases
              of the endocrine system

    Time: 4 hours

    Didactic tools: multimedia presentation


    Before the class students should revise anatomy, histology and physiology of the endocrine system.



    1. Aspects of altered endocrine function:
      1.1. Hypofunction, Hyperfunction and Hormone resistance
      1.2. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Disorders.
      1.3. Ectopic hormone synthesis
    2. Pituitary and Growth Disorders
      2.1. Pituitary tumors
      2.2. Hypopituitarism
      2.3. Growth and Growth hormone disorders
      2.4. Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) excess and deficiency
      2.5. Hyperprolactinemia
    3. Thyroid disorders
      3.1. Hypothyroidism
      3.2. Hyperthyroidism
    4. Parathyroid glands:
      4.1. Hyperparathyroidism
      4.2. Hypoparathyroidism & pseudohypoparathyroidism



    Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States - Tommie L Norris; Wolters Kluwer; 10th Edition, International, (November 3, 2018), chapters: 40, 41, 8 - regarding dysfunction of parathyroid glands.

    Color Atlas of Pathophysiology - Stefan Silbernagl, Florian Lang,  Thieme; 3rd Edition, 2016.


    Sheehan syndrome: etiopathogenesis, manifestations
    Central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: etiopathogenesis, manifestations
    SIADH: etiopathogenesis, manifestations
    Acromegally: etiopathogenesis, manifestations
    Gigantism: etiopathogenesis, manifestations

    Laron syndrome: etiopathogenesis, manifestations
    Hyperprolactinemia: etiopathogenesis, manifestations
    Graves disease: etiopathogenesis, manifestations
    Toxic goiter: etiopathogenesis, manifestations
    Hashimoto disease: etiopathogenesis, manifestations
    Endemic goiter: etiopathogenesis, manifestations


    Topics’ details
    Hypothalamus and pituitary
    Causes of endocrine hypothalamic insufficiency.
    Causes of primary and secondary pituitary hypofunction.

    Manifestations of pituitary hypofunction.

    Causes of primary and secondary pituitary hyperfunction.

    Manifestations of pituitary hyperfunction.

    Pathogenesis of agalactorrhea in Sheehan syndrome.

    Pathogenesis of altered vision in the course of pituitary disorders.

    Pathogenesis of hyperglycemia in acromegaly/gigantism.

    Pathogenesis of polyuria in diabetes insipidus.

    Pathogenesis of polydipsia in diabetes insipidus.

    Pathogenesis of hypertonic dehydration in diabetes insipidus.

    Pathogenesis of hyponatremia in SIADH.


    Thyroid gland
    Causes of primary thyroid gland hyperfunction.

    Causes of secondary and tertiary thyroid gland hyperfunction.
    Hyperthyroidism vs tyreotoxicosis.
    Manifestations of hyperthyroisism.
    Pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism in Graves disease.

    Consequences of autoimmune process in the course of Graves disease.

    Consequences of increased basal metabolic rate in hyperthyroidism.

    Pathogenesis of:
    - hypertension in hyperthyroidism
    - exophtalmos in Graves disease
    - goiter in hyperthyroidism
    - pretibial edema in Graves disease
    - hypocholesterolemia
    - hypermetabolic coma


    Causes of primary thyroid gland hypofunction.

    Causes of secondary and tertiary thyroid gland hypofunction.

    Manifestations of hypothyroidism.
    Consequences of decreases basal metabolic rate.
    Consequences of glycosaminoglycans accumulation in the course of hypothyroidism
    Pathogenesis of hyperprolactinemia in hypothyroidism.

    Pathogenesis of:
    - myxedema in hypothyroidism
    - goiter in hypothyroidism
    - amenorrhea in hypothyroidism
    - hypercholesterolemia in hypethyroidism
    - hypometabolic coma


    Parathyroid glands

    Causes of primary hyperparathyroidism.
    Causes of secondary hyperparathyroidism.
    Causes of tertiary hyperparathyroidism.
    Manifestations of hypeparathyroidism, especially from:
    - bones
    - kidneys
    - gastrointestinal tract
    - nervous system
    Pathogenesis of hypercalcemia in hyperparathyroidism.
    Pathogenesis of hypophosphatemia in hyperparathyroidism.

    Pathogenesis of polyuria in primary hyperparathyroidism.

    Causes of primary hypoparathyroidism.
    Causes of secondary hypoparathyroidism.
    Manifestations of hypoparathyroidism.
    Pathogenesis of hypocalcemia in hypoparathyroidism.
    Pathogenesis of hyperphosphatemia in hypoparathyroidism.

    Causes of pseudohypoparathyroidism.