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    What do I do if I'm in quarantine?,22641/What_do_I_do_if_Im_in_quarantine
    can shop for them online and have them delivered to your address. Below you have some online shopping proposals: You will remain under police supervision. You are under the obligation to stay at home and (...)

    COVID-19: project results, European grants and calls for research projects,COVID-19_project_results-_European_grants_and_calls_for_research_projects
      Dear Medical University of Bialystok researchers, We invite you to follow initiatives related to COVID-19 financed by the European Commission:   Open calls: COVID-19 Rapid Collaboration Call! Projects financed from the EU resources regarding preparedness and response to an outbreak of COVID-19: European Virus Archive GLOBAL (EVAg) PREPARE European (...)

    Chosen marketing and public relations techniques used by Ewa Chodakowska in promoting a healthy lifestyle - study on opinions of respondents on the Ewa Chodakowska method,18419/Chosen_marketing_and_public_relations_techniques_used_by_Ewa_Chodakowska_in_promoting_a_healthy_lifestyle_-_study__on__opinions_of_respondents_on_the_Ewa_Chodakowska_method
    (...) To assess the opinions of people, using, or familiar with Chodakowska’s method, on her marketing strategy and public relations. Materials and methods: The research was conducted between the 31st of March and the 4th of April 2014. A questionnaire, consisting of 31 questions was created and uploaded at website. All internet users, (...)

    Albert Schweitzer – the centenary of the hospital in Lambarene, Gabon,18153/Albert_Schweitzer_–_the_centenary_of_the_hospital_in_Lambarene-_Gabon
    (...) author: Bogusław Stelcer Polskie Towarzystwo im. Alberta Schweitzera w Poznaniu Uniwersytet Medyczny im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu Zakład Psychologii Klinicznej ul. Bukowska 70, 60-812 Poznań e-mail:     Received: 1.06.2013 Accepted: 10.06.2013 Progress in Health Sciences Vol. 3(1) 2013 pp 141-146 © Medical (...)

    Day of the block 2024/2025 Seminars topics Classes topics Monday 8:00-11:50 1. Symptomatology of pediatric cancer 2. Epidemiology of pediatric cancer 3. Practical aspects of treating pediatric anemia   - Organization of the department of pediatric oncology and hematology (including outpatient unit, principles of protective isolation in patients with neutropenia) - Medical history and physical examination in pediatric oncology and hematology, when to suspect childhood cancer?   Tuesday 8:00-11:50 4. Emergencies in pediatric oncology 5. Early side effects of cancer treatment in children 6. Leukopenia and neutropenia- causes, diagnostics and treatment 7. Hypercoagulability in children     Wednesday 8:00-11:50   Leukemias in children. Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas.   Thursday 8:00-11:50   Solid tumors - neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor Friday 8:00-11:50   Solid tumors - hepatoblastoma, retinoblastoma, CNS tumors Monday 8:00-11:50   Soft tissues sarcomas and bone tumors Tuesday 8:00-11:50   Anemia, thrombocytopenia. Analysis of the diagnostic and therapeutic process of patients hospitalized in the department due to cancer and hematological diseases Principles of care of child with hemophilia Course assignment   Wednesday 8:30-11:50   PROFFESIONALISM IN MEDICINE (8:30 AM at Department of Medical Simulations, Szpitalna 30 street)                                                                                         Please note: The schedule is subject to change. Any changes will be communicated promptly to the students during the classes. The person in charge of the classes is Dr Anna Krętowska-Grunwald. For any uncertainties, please contact directly at       SEMINARS topics: 1. Symptomatology of childhood malignancies 2. Epidemiology of childhood malignancies 3. Emergencies in paediatric oncology 4. Early complications after antineoplastic treatment in childhood 5. Practical aspects of anemia treatment in children 6. Hypercoagulation in children 7. Leukopenia and neutropenia- causes, diagnostics, treatment   CLASSES – additional subjects: 1) Organization of the department of paediatric oncology and haematology (including outpatient unit, principles of protective isolation in patients with neutropenia) 2) Medical history and physical examination in paediatric oncology and haematology, when to suspect childhood cancer? (5h) 3) Interpretation of laboratory and radiological findings in childhood malignancies 4) Differential diagnostics in pediatric oncology 5) Principles of antineoplastic treatment and supportive care in paediatric oncology 6) Observation and care of a child during and after antineoplastic therapy 7) Outpatient care of a child during antineoplastic treatment 8) Analysis of the diagnostic and therapeutic process of patients hospitalized in the department due to cancer and hematological diseases 9) Taking medical interview form parents and patients, and physical examination of the patients currently hospitalized at the department of paediatric oncology and haematology 10) Monitoring of health status in long-term survivors after antineoplastic treatment 11) Principles of care of child with hemophilia   CONSULTATION TIME FOR STUDENTS FOR PROFESSIONALISM IN MEDICINE: every first Thursday of the month between 14:00-15:00, please arrange contact first. CONSULTATION TIME FOR STUDENTS IN PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY AND HEMATOLOGY: every first Tuesday of the month between 14:00-15:00, please arrange contact first.  

    Internal Regulations,8521/Internal_Regulations
    (...) of the fourth and fifth years.Completion of obligatory classes (classes, lectures). (information inside link)  For matters related to justifying absences (sick leaves, dean's leaves, etc.), please send them to the secretary's e-mail address: In matters related to making up missed exercises, please consult with the assistant conducting the classes. For matters (...)

      The Medical University of Bialystok offers: English-language programme: Faculty of Medicine with the Division of Dentistry and Division of Medical Education in English offers a course of Medicine in English (6-year MD programme). For more information contact: International Cooperation Department ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1 15-089 Białystok Telephone: +48 85 (...)

    Admission to Doctoral School
      We welcome any enquires about MUB Doctoral School in International Path. Please, contact: Promotion and Recruitment Office of the Medical University of Bialystok 1 Jana Kilińskiego Street, 15-089 Białystok (Branicki Palace  left wing) Phone: +48 85 748 55 12, +48 85 748 54 72 Email: The office is open year-round, Monday to Friday, from 7:30 AM to (...)

    Contact Information
    Contact Information Medical University of Bialystok  ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1 15-089 Białystok Poland  Rector`s Office Telephone: +48 85 748 54 04 fax: +48 85 748 55 09 email:   Central University Office Telephone: +48 85 748 54 15 Fax: +48 85 748 54 16 email:   English Division Dean`s (...)

    Enrolment agencies
    (...) the admission process, candidates should contact one of the recruitment agencies or the University directly. SCANDINAVIAN CANDIDATES: Medisinutdanning AS v/Britt Tollefsen Innspurten 10A 0663 Oslo NORWAY Mobile: 0047 9023 93 81 e-mail:   CANDIDATES FROM NORWAY, SWEDEN, DENMARK, ICELAND, (...)

    The program is co-financed from the European Social Fund under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, non-competitive project entitled Raising the competences of the academic staff and the institution's potential in accepting people from abroad - Welcome to Poland implemented as part of the Activity specified in the application for co-financing of the project No. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14 / 18