Medical University of Bialystok. Anna Erol, PhD.

  • Updated 05.04.2023 by Dział Rozwoju i Ewaluacji

    Anna Erol, PhD

    Past project: Transcriptomic landscape of ovarian cancer through mRNA sequencing

    Present project: Ovarian cancer stem-like cells -transcriptomic profiling


    Supervisor: Prof. Adam Jacek Krętowski

    Co-supervisor: Magdalena Niemira, PhD


    Department: Clinical Research Centre

    Research background

    -Biology, TU Dresden, Master of Science graduate

    -Bachelor thesis in cooperation with The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, at Milen I Georgiev’s Lab in Plovdiv and the Dresden University of Technology on generation and characterisation of Hairy Roots lines from Verbascum plant species.

    -Master thesis completed in at Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, topic “Stress response in Miscanthus x giganteus”.

    -Technical assistant at the Chair of Plant Physiology.

    Research interests

    -PhD Student at the "International Interdisciplinary PhD studies in Biomedical Research and Biostatistics” programme. Pursuing the research career and training in OMICS-based research and biostatistics by international and intersectoral mobility”

    -Review: Novel Approaches in Ovarian Cancer Research against Heterogeneity, Late Diagnosis, Drug Resistance, and Transcoelomic Metastases”

    -Poster presentation at the Cancer genomics conference in Heidelberg: „Altered expression of miRNAs in serum of High-grade serous Ovarian Cancer patients as potential candidates for non-invasive biomarkers”

    -Fascinated by data science and bioinformatics.

    -Main focus: genetic profiling of ovarian cancer stem-like cells

