Medical University of Bialystok. FAQ – mobility for studies.
  • FAQ – mobility for studies


    What documents should I submit to apply for a mobility?
    1. Application Form (Appendix no. 2 to Regulations on the outgoing mobilities),
    2. Certificate of average grade from the previous period of study on the relevant degree / education at the Doctoral School from the Dean’s Office or the Office for PhD studies; in case of PhD students, a document confirming the IF of the works published as of the day of submitting the application form is also required,
    3. A document confirming language skills of the foreign language required by the receiving institution (particularly a certificate of language proficiency, a certificate from the Department of Foreign Languages or a certificate from a language school),
    4. Opinions from the supervisors of scientific groups, certificates of activity signed by the presidents of student organisations or MUB’ officials; in case of sport achievements, an opinion provided by the Department of Physical Education and Sport is required.


    When can I submit the documents necessary to apply for an exchange?

    The recruitment period begins on March 1st and ends on March 31st each year. During this period the application documents can be submitted.

    Can I go for a mobility during each year of my studies?

    In case of the mobility for studies, it is possible to go for an exchange for one term or for a full academic year. It is recommended to go from the second to the fifth year of studies.

    Can I go for a mobility for studies to a university different than those listed in the scholarship offer?

    Yes, if the institutions will conclude an interinstitutional agreement before the planned exchange. For this purpose, it is necessary to write a request for consent to the Rector to conclude such agreement. This will initiate the procedure, which requires a consent to conclude an agreement from the Institutional Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme, the Dean of the relevant faculty and the Rector.

    Is the language required by the receiving institution important?

    Yes, and for this reason it is recommended to consider the information about the teaching languages at the receiving institution. If the English language is not listed, there might be no possibility of studying in this language, but only in other languages required by the receiving institution.

    How many universities can I choose at the maximum in the application form?

    You can choose 5 universities at the maximum. While listing them in the application form, place the university that most interests you at the top of the list.

    Is a 3,5 average grade an absolute necessity to be qualified for an exchange? Are there any exceptions to this rule, e.g. in case of applying for an exchange to a rarely chosen country or in case of spaces available?

    The average grade required is 3,5 at the minimum and we do not expect any exceptions.

    How to calculate the average grade? Where to take the certificate of the average grade from?

    The average grade is calculated for the relevant cycle of studies, with consideration of every completed term, including the term preceding the application. For example, if you’re submitting the documents during the spring recruitment period, your entire cycle of studies, including the last term completed (i.e. the summer term of the previous academic year), should be taken into account.

    Certificate of average grade is issued by a relevant Dean’s office.

    Which average grade is taken into account: the average grade “for the diploma” or the average grade during the cycle of studies?

    While calculating the average grade, we consider the average grade during the cycle of studies.

    Who is responsible for qualifying students for mobilities?

    The recruitment process is conducted by the Erasmus+ Programme Commission consisting of:


    1. The Vice-Rector for Education (President of the Commission),
    2. The Dean/appointed Vice-Dean of the relevant Faculty and/or the Principal of the Doctoral School,
    3. Institutional or Departmental Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme,
    4. A representative of the International Cooperation Department,
    5. A representative of the Students’ Government.

    How will I learn whether I was qualified for a mobility?

    Every student will be notified about the recruitment outcomes via an e-mail. The Erasmus+ Programme Office will send an official message about the outcome (qualified, not qualified or on the waiting list) at the e-mail address provided by the candidate in the Application form.

    What documents should I submit after receiving the information about my qualification for a mobility?
    1. In case of a positive Commission’s opinion, start filling Learning Agreement for Studies (LA), available at the receiving institution’s webpage. You should choose the courses that you wish to complete abroad from a list provided by the receiving institution, whose total sum of the ECTS credits will be either 30 ECTS or 60 ECTS at the minimum.
    2. While filling your LA, you should be consulting your Dean’s Office.
    3. After filling the LA, schedule a meeting with the Institutional Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme to agree on the study programme proposal (contact information of the Coordinators are available at:,24093/Kontakt),
    4. Submit the LA approved by the Faculty Coordinator, and other documents required, i.e. mobility activity information, bank account details, copy of the insurance information for the time of mobility, EHIC card copy (documents to download:,24092/Documents_to_download),
    5. After the International Cooperation Department collects signatures necessary for the LA, you will receive the document and you will have to obtain a signature from the receiving institution.
    6. International Cooperation Department will draw up a Grant Agreement, send it to you for your approval and invite you to sign the agreement. Based on the agreement, you will receive 70% of the granted scholarship.
    7. Fill the language placement test available in the OLS system,
    8. Enjoy your Erasmus+ exchange!
    How is the scholarship rate calculated?

    The final amount of the scholarship for the entire mobility period will be determined by multiplying the number of agreed days/months by the monthly rate for the relevant country. In case of incomplete months, the scholarship will be determined by multiplying the number of days from the incomplete month by the 1/30 of the monthly rate.

    What is the “green travel” top-up?

    “Green travel” means travelling with the use of sustainable, low-emission means of transport, such as bus, train or car-pooling. As a part of the “green travel” top-up, a participant is entitled to additional 50 EUR payment. To receive the top-up, it is necessary to submit a fitting declaration before and after the mobility (Appendix no. 11 and no. 12 to Regulations on the outgoing mobilities).

    What is the “participants with fewer opportunities” criterion?

    The “participants with fewer opportunities" criterion applies to:

    1. Participants with disabilities, holding a valid certificate of disability,
    2. Participants from disadvantaged social backgrounds, entitled to the MUB’s social scholarship from the financial support fund, following the Regulations on material assistance, at the time of applying for mobility.
    What is an exemplary calculation of the amount of the scholarship in the case of mobility for studies?

                Type of mobility: studies
                Date: 05.10.2021 – 31.07.2022
                Number of days: 301
                Destination: Kosice, Slovakia
                Means of transport: Plane

                301 days (9 months, 26 days) – mobility period
                450 EUR – scholarship rate applicable for a mobility to Slovakia
                390 EUR – scholarship for the 26 days left
                450 EUR / 30 days = 15 EUR/day
                15 EUR/day
    x 26 days = 390 EUR

                Result: (9 months x 450 EUR/month) + 390 EUR = 4 440 EUR

    Will every candidate qualified for an exchange receive a scholarship?

    The scholarship shall be awarded to each candidate, who will submit their Learning Agreement accepted by the MUB’s Institutional Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme and by the person responsible designated by the receiving institution, submit the Transcript of Records in English obtained from the Dean’s Office, complete the term preceding the exchange (without conditional credits), sign the Grant Agreement and complete the language placement test in the OLS system (the link will be sent automatically). It is also possible to go for an Erasmus+ exchange with zero scholarship, e.g. in the case of consumption of the funds allocated for students’ mobilities.

    Will I receive the entirety of the scholarship before my mobility?

    No. The scholarship is paid in two instalments – 70% of the whole amount before the start of the mobility and the remaining 30% after the mobility, when the formalities are completed and the mobility finalised.

    When will I receive the first instalment of the scholarship?

    You will receive the first instalment (70% of the whole scholarship) within 30 days from signing the Grant Agreement and no later than the first day of the planned mobility. If a participant fails to submit all the necessary documents, payment at a later time is permissible.

    Will I have to give back the scholarship if I resign from the mobility?

    The scholarship or its part shall have to be returned if a participant doesn’t respect the terms of agreement. If a participant ends the mobility earlier than agreed but the other conditions of the agreement are met, a refund of the part of the scholarship (proportional to the shortened stay) shall be required. A refund won’t be required only if a participant cannot finish the actions planned, described in the Appendix, due to “force majeure”; in that case the participant will be entitled to receive the amount of scholarship proportional to the real duration of stay at the minimum. The remaining part of the scholarship will have to be returned.

    From which mobility day will my scholarship be counted? For example, if I go two weeks earlier, will I receive additional funding for this period?

    Concerning mobility for studies: seeing as the start date of the mobility period is the first day of classes at the receiving institution, and the end date is the final day of the exam session, the scholarship does not include the days intended for the travel or accommodation.

    What documents do I have to bring from the receiving institution/submit to the Erasmus+ Office after my mobility?
    1. The original of the Transcript of Records, signed by the receiving institution,
    2. The originals of “Certificate of arrival” and “Certificate of departure” (Appendix no. 10 to the Regulations on the outgoing mobilities). Pay attention to the start date and the end date of your mobility – they should be the same as the ones in your Grant Agreement,
    3. Translation of the Transcript of Records to Polish (if it’s in a language other than English, it should be confirmed by a sworn translator),
    4. Learning Agreement with “After the mobility” part completed and signed by the receiving institution,
    5. A request addressed to the Dean of the relevant Faculty for crediting the subjects completed during the Erasmus+ mobility (Appendix no. 15 to Regulations on the outgoing mobilities),
    6. In the case of a “problematic” Transcript of Records (e.g. consisting of failing grades) it is necessary to draw up an additional request to the Dean of a relevant Faculty, after previous consultation at the Dean’s Office.
    I am a student on a uniform master’s programme and I want to go for an Erasmus+ exchange but I have already been on a Erasmus+ mobility for a full academic year. Does this affect my chances to take part in the programme again?

    Yes. The mobility capital for students enrolled on a uniform master’s studies is equal to 24 months. You have already been on a mobility that lasted a full academic year so the remaining amount of time that you may use is 12 – 13 months (depending on the length of the academic year at the receiving institution).

    In which currency should the bank account (indicated in the “Bank account details”) be maintained?

    We ask you to indicate a bank account maintained in EURO, due to the fact that the scholarship is paid in that currency. Indicating an account in Polish Zloty or other currencies may cause discrepancies between the amount of scholarship a student is entitled to and the amount paid after currency conversion.

    It is possible to indicate a multi-currency account, such as REVOLUT.

    Is it possible to elongate a mobility from one term to full academic year after starting the mobility at the receiving institution?

    Yes. The possibility exists but its dependent on the financial capital and vacant places availability, and on the approval provided by the Erasmus+ Programme Commission. If it is possible to elongate the mobility, the participant must submit the documents (Appendix no. 13 to the Regulations on the outgoing mobilities) and gather the required signatures.