Medical University of Bialystok. Regulations of carrying out research projects.

  • Updated 09.01.2019 by Dział Rozwoju i Ewaluacji

    Regulations of carrying out research projects

    Regulations of carrying out research projects financed within the framework of the Agreement with the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education on co-financing the realization of international co-financed project (ICP Agreement) by the participants of ImPRESS Project PhD studies at the Medical University of Bialystok

    The Medical University of Bialystok sets out the following Regulations of carrying out research projects financed within the framework of the Agreement with the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education on co-financing the realization of international co-financed project (ICP Agreement) by the participants of ImPRESS Project PhD studies at the Medical University of Bialystok:

    § 1
    Terms used in the Regulations have the following meaning:
    ImPRESS Project – project for conducting PhD studies within the framework of the European Union's framework program for research and innovation ‘Horizon 2020’ under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions COFUND 2016 call (Agreement No 754432-ImPRESS) titled: "International Interdisciplinary PhD studies in Biomedical Research and Biostatistics. Supporting the career and training in omic-based research and biostatistics by inter-national and -sectoral mobility" acronym: ImPRESS,
    ICP Agreement – the Agreement between the MUB and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education on co-financing the realization of international co-financed project (Agreement No: 3773/H2020/COFUND/2017/2)
    Regulations - Regulations of carrying out research projects financed within the framework of the ICP Agreement by the participants of ImPRESS Project PhD studies
    PhD student – a participant of the PhD studies conducted within the framework of the ImPRESS Project 
    Principal Investigator – a PhD student, who submitted a Research Project Proposal based on the hereby Regulations and received the acceptance from the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs for carrying out the project in the current year. 
    Research Project Proposal – a proposal for funding a research project within the framework of the ICP Agreement – attached as Appendix 1 to the hereby Regulations
    Report – a report on the implementation of the project within the framework of the ICP Agreement  – attached as Appendix 2 to the hereby Regulations
    Relevant bioethics committee – Bioethics Committee of the MUB or the Local Ethical Committee for Animal Experiments in Olsztyn
    MUB – Medical University of Bialystok
    Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs – Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs of the Medical University of Bialystok
    Head of the PhD Studies – Head of the ImPRESS Project PhD studies 
    Office for Science and International Cooperation – a team of administrative staff members of the MUB Office for Science and International Cooperation handling the ImPRESS Project

    § 2
    Authorized persons
    Persons authorized to carry out the research projects based on the hereby Regulations are the ImPRESS Project PhD students.
    § 3
    Principles of submitting research proposals 
    1.    Research projects submitted by the PhD students are accepted for funding based on the submitted proposals accepted by the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs after their prior initialing by the Head of the PhD Studies.
    2.    The deadline for submitting research proposals is set by the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs but it is not later than 30th November  of the year prior to the year when the funding will be awarded.
    3.    The Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs informs the PhD students about the open call for proposals via email and by posting the information on the MUB website: http://
    4.    A PhD student submits a research project proposal to the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs in two printed originals with all mandatory signatures, and sends an electronic version to the email address indicated in the call.
    5.    The research project proposal is required to be signed by the Head of the department, where the project will be carried out and accepted by the PhD student’s supervisor.
    6.    The research project proposal shall be accompanied by mandatory approvals of the relevant bioethics committees with the provision that the deadline for providing the  approval of the relevant bioethics committee is the date of starting the project funds. Failure to provide the approval of the relevant bioethics committee holds the funding.
    7.    The Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs accepts the project by signing the research project proposal. The second original of the research project proposal, signed by the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs, will be handed over to the PhD student – the Principal Investigator. 

    § 4
    Project realization
    1.    The PhD student is allowed to submit only one project per year financed from the funds of the ICP Agreement.
    2.    The project may be continued in the following year, though not longer than for 4 years or not longer than till 30th September 2022. 
    3.    In each following year of their research activity, the PhD students may submit a proposal for funding a new research project or a proposal for funding a research project continued from the previous year.
    4.    The budget for one project in the given year may not exceed the amount of 6000 Euro.
    5.    The project funds that remained unused in the current year budget may be used in the following year if a proposal for funding a research project continued from the previous year was submitted. In such case, the funds will be added to the annual project budget over the limit of 6000 Euro.
    6.    If a new research project is commenced in the following year, the project funds that remained unused from the project realized in the previous year may, in justified cases and with acceptance of the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs, be added to the new project budget.
    7.    Each project expense is realized based on the current legislation and internal MUB procedures.
    8.    All purchases of supplies, external services and travel within the framework of the project are processed by the MUB, based on the relevant procedures. Application form for purchasing of supplies, external services or travel from the project funds should be submitted to the Office for Science and International Cooperation and should be signed by the Principal Investigator and the Principal Investigator’s Supervisor. Additional approval is required from the Head of the department employing the applicant, when purchasing research equipment.
    9.    If the actual project expenses are different from the project expenses planned in the project budget a justification signed by the Principal Investigator must be submitted for acceptance by the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs. 
    10.    Project expenses must be related to the realized project.
    11.    Project funds must not be used for remuneration of the Principal Investigator or other investigators in the project.
    12.    The Principal Investigator is responsible for timely and proper expenditure of the project funds.
    13.    All data and planned project expenses in the research project proposals are verified and approved by the administrative project supervisor from the Office for Science and International Cooperation.

    § 5
    Final project report and periodic evaluation
    1.    The Principal Investigator is obliged to submit a final project report to the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs by 31st January of the year following the year for which the financing of the project was granted.
    2.    The final project report should be submitted electronically in editable format (without mandatory signatures) to the email address provided in the report form and in one printed original (with mandatory signatures) to the Office for Science and International Cooperation.
    3.    The final project reports are evaluated by the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs and the Head of the PhD Studies. Positive opinion on the final project report is fundamental to receive funding of further research projects.
    4.    Following the second year of project realization, the projects are submitted for a periodic evaluation. By 31st January 2021 the PhD student must submit to the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs an opinion of the Head of the department employing him/her, an opinion of his/her supervisor and an opinion of the Head of the PhD studies on the projects he/she realized so far. Positive opinions of the mentioned authorities will be fundamental to receive the approval of the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs for further funding of research projects on the third and fourth year of the PhD studies.
    5.    Two negative opinions of the authorities indicated in § 5 pt. 4 of the hereby Regulations result in withheld funding of any further research projects.
    6.    The project is considered as concluded if the final project report is accompanied by one of the following documents submitted to the Office for Science and International Cooperation and accepted by the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs:
    a.    publication in JCR-listed journal or 
    b.    manuscript ready for publication in JCR-listed journal or
    c.    decision letter / contract for external source funding of a research project or
    d.    patent (confirmed by a certificate from the Patent Office) or 
    e.    agreement for invention implementation (confirmed by intramural Office of Technology Transfer)
    7.    Failure to conclude the project/s as indicated in § 5 pt. 6 of the hereby Regulations will result in return of funds granted for the project/s realization.